Book Review: 86 by Okky Madasari

Thursday, January 29, 2015

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Judul: 86
Penulis: Okky Madasari
Penerbit: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tebal: 256
Format: Paperback
Terbit: Maret, 2011
Harga: Rp 10,000 (Obral Gramedia Puri Indah Mall)
Rating: 4 / 5 stars

Date started: 23 Januari, 2015 - Date finished: 26 Januari, 2015

Apa yang bisa dibanggakan dari pegawai rendahan di pengadilan? Gaji bulanan, baju seragam, atau uang pensiunan?
Arimbi, juru ketik di pengadilan negeri, menjadi sumber kebanggaan bagi orangtua dan orang-orang di desanya. Generasi dari keluarga petani yang bisa menjadi pegawai negeri. Bekerja memakai seragam tiap hari, setiap bulan mendapat gaji, dan mendapat uang pensiun saat tua nanti.
Arimbi juga menjadi tumpuan harapan, tempat banyak orang menitipkan pesan dan keinginan. Bagi mereka, tak ada yang tak bisa dilakukan oleh pegawai pengadilan.
Dari pegawai lugu yang tak banyak tahu, Arimbi ikut menjadi bagian orang-orang yang tak lagi punya malu. Tak ada yang tak benar kalau sudah dilakukan banyak orang. Tak ada lagi yang harus ditakutkan kalau semua orang sudah menganggap sebagai kewajaran.
Pokoknya, 86!
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Book Review: More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops (Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops, #2) by Jen Campbell

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

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Author: Jen Campbell
Publisher: Constable
Pages: 128
Format: E-book
Published: April, 2013
Price: $ 10.07 -> Rp 125,799 (Amazon)
Rating: 3½ / 5 stars

Date started: January 27, 2015 - Date finished: January 27, 2015

Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops was a Sunday Times bestseller, and could be found displayed on bookshop counters up and down the country. The response to the book from booksellers all over the world has been one of heartfelt agreement: it would appear that customers are saying bizarre things all over the place - from asking for books with photographs of Jesus in them, to hunting for the best horse owner's manual that has a detailed chapter on unicorns.
Customer: I had such a crush on Captain Hook when I was younger. Do you think this means I have unresolved issues?
More Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops has yet more tales from the antiquarian bookshop where Jen Campbell works, and includes a selection of 'Weird Things...' sent in from other booksellers across the world. The book is illustrated by the BAFTA winning Brothers McLeod.
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Books & Beyond Online Bookstore Review

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

screen captured & edited by me
Books & Beyond Online Bookstore
Books & Beyond - Toko Buku Online Termurah, Buku Import, Buku Lokal, Mainan, Alat Kantor
A few weeks ago on the last week of December 2014 I found out that I was one of the winners of the Holly Jolly Christmas Giveaway held by Kak Stefanie @ Bookie-Looker and the prize that I got was a Books & Beyond e-voucher for Rp 100,000 so I was really excited because I have never bought anything from Books & Beyond, this was my first time so I decided to make a review about my experience in buying a book from this website:) Here it goes!

*this review contain a lot of images, so please be patient when it loads:)
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Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn't Get To

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

[source] edited by me
Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday post:) this week's topic is about Top Ten 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn't Get To. I'm not really someone who just drops everything and buy a new release book whenever it comes out (I usually wait until the price goes down, wait until someone wants to sell their books, or even search for secondhand books) so it's obvious that I would miss out on many new releases. Here are the books that I really wanted to read that comes out on 2014 but didn't.
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Book Review: Shift (Shift, #1) by Kim Curran

Monday, January 12, 2015

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Penulis: Kim Curran
Penerjemah: Indriani Grantika
Penerbit: Grantika Publishing
Tebal: 359
Format: Paperback
Terbit: Mei, 2014
Harga: Rp 58,650 (BukaBuku)
Rating: 3 / 5 stars

Date started: 3 Januari, 2015 - Date finished: 11 Januari, 2015

Setelah tanpa sengaja menggunakan kekuatan yang tanpa dia sadari dimilikinya untuk mengubah kenyataan, Scott Tyler baru menyadari bahwa dirinya adalah seorang Pengalih—seseorang yang memiliki kemampuan untuk membatalkan segala keputusan yang telah dijalaninya, dan secara otomatis membangun versi kenyataan baru yang dapat mengubah keadaan saat ini hanya dengan kekuatan pikiran.
Mulanya, Scott mengira kemampuannya itu adalah hal luar biasa yang akan membuat kehidupannya menjadi menyenangkan. Namun seiring waktu berlalu, dia menyadari ada konsekuensi yang mengiringi setiap pembatalan keputusan. Konsekuensi buruk yang tidak bisa diprediksi. Hidupnya menjadi kacau balau dan seseorang yang disayanginya tewas hanya karena dia membatalkan satu keputusan di masa lalunya. Dan yang lebih buruk lagi, belakangan dia menyadari keberadaan sebuah kelompok yang ingin merebut kekuatan para Pengalih dengan cara sadis.
Dalam dunia di mana segala sesuatunya dapat diubah dengan pikiran semata, Scott harus berhati-hati dengan setiap keputusan yang diambilnya.
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Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels of 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

[source] edited by me

So, after weeks or maybe months of not posting a Top Ten Tuesday post because I have just been to preoccupied doing something else I decided to continue and start again. So Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and this week's topic is about Top Ten Most Anticipated Debut Novels of 2015. At first I didn't really know what novels are coming out when but thankfully there's a thing called listopia in Goodreads and all of the books here are selected by myself from that list. Here are my most anticipated books of 2015!!
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Book Review: Unplanned Love by Jenny Thalia Faurine

Sunday, January 4, 2015

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Penulis: Jenny Thalia Faurine
Penerbit: Elex Media Komputindo
Tebal: 308
Format: Paperback
Terbit: September, 2014
Harga: Rp 47,040 (BukaBuku)
Rating: 3½ / 5 stars

Date started: Desember 27, 2014 - Date finished: Januari 3, 2015

Unplanned Love, cinta yang tidak direncanakan. Yang dimulai dari menghilangnya Cyntia, sahabat Runa. Runa harus bertemu dengan Seta, mantan tunangan Cyntia yang memaksa Runa untuk menggantikan posisi Cyntia sebagai tunangannya.
Ternyata terlalu banyak kebencian di hati Seta yang membuatnya tega memperlakukan Runa seperti itu. Runa stres, dia lalu berusaha melarikan diri sambil mencari keberadaan Cyntia, tetapi Seta selalu berhasil mengikutinya. Runa tersiksa dengan kehadiran Seta, ditambah dia harus menyelesaikan naskah yang sudah diberikan deadline oleh sang editor. Rasanya Runa hampir gila dengan semua ini.
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December Book Haul, the Last 2014 Haul

Thursday, January 1, 2015


First of all, happy new year 2015 for everyone!! I can't believe that it is 2015 already and that we've passed 2014. I sure wish that 2015 will be a great year for us all and will bring us lots of good things and keep away the bad ones. So, before 2014 ended I wanted to post my december book haul (or as I'd like to call it my last book haul in 2014). Let's get to it! Here are the books:)
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