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Finally the time has come! Markituka BBI Jabo digelar kembali! Di kali kedua ini, event Markituka Jabo diikuti oleh lebih banyak orang dari yang sebelumnya, jadi semoga saja event ini berjalan lancar dan seru! Di postingan Wishful Wednesday kali ini, aku mau memaparkan wish list-ku untuk event yang sudah aku sebutkan tadi, sengaja di-posting di blog karena biar ada update-an isinya gitu sekali-kali soalnya lagi males banget nulis review, apalagi sekarang lagi terserang reading slump! Hehehehe. Tetapi pasti nanti akan segera mengisi blog ini kembali dengan berbagai macam review!
Tanpa berlama-lama berikut adalah wish list-ku untuk Markituka Jabo tahun ini:
Harga Rp110.400 | Bisa dibeli di BukaBuku
"What a pleasure to see Laksmi Pamuntjak's poems and prose texts in one generous volume that bears witness to her versatility and dexterity in both those genres, long before her name became internationally known for her splendid first novel. Her multivocal stories intertwine with the lush, layered textures of art and music, and her elliptical, deft poems observe with a clear eye the cityscapes of our own restless lives, whether in Jakarta or London, New York or Berlin." —Aamer Hussein, author of Another Gulmohar Tree, The Cloud Messenger and Insomnia"It is clear from her beautiful poetry and prose that Laksmi Pamuntjak knows the human heart has many chambers (who cares what doctors think!) and that love, desire and longing is never so easy and simple as to occupy only one room in the hotel of our hearts. This staggering collection is both delicate and dangerous, forceful and faultless. She draws back the curtains on the aching complexities of vulnerability; all you have to do is enter." —Sean M. Whelan, author of Tattooing the Surface of the Moon"Pamuntjak moves through cities and bodies and imprints and sends us these pages like postcards to cherish: on one side, poems and musings; on the other, vignettes and visuals. So we travel with her through her eyes, seeing and savoring each experience, renewed by every fresh taste or tableau." —Sharanya Manivannan, author of The High Priestess Never Marries"Laksmi Pamuntjak's poems start in the thinking mind, intelligently constructed and seemingly softly spoken. But they roam wildly into everything that surrounds it, both by way of the material, the bodily, the sensuous, and along the transformative power of the imagination. Her verse brings these two distinct modes of being together as if they are not separate at all. In so doing, her poetry is one where the personal, the political and the mystical are one. As they should be." —Joost Baars, poet, essayist, former manager of Perdu Poetry Theater in Amsterdam
Harga Rp76.000 | Bisa dibeli di BukaBuku
Alex Prévost diculik dan dikurung dalam keadaan babak belur di gudang kosong. Namun, si penculik tidak melakukan apa-apa, tampaknya ia hanya ingin memandangi Alex mati. Manakah yang akan menewaskan Alex duluan: rasa lapar, haus, atau tikus-tikus?Selain laporan samar dari saksi mata, Komandan Polisi Camille Verhœven tidak punya apa-apa: Tak ada tersangka, tak ada petunjuk, dan sepertinya tak ada yang kehilangan wanita itu. Berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi, sang detektif tahu Alex harus ditemukan secepat mungkin—tapi ia mesti mengenal wanita itu lebih dalam.Seiring terungkapnya detail-detail tentang hidup unik Alex, Camille terpaksa mengakui bahwa orang yang dicarinya tersebut bukanlah korban biasa. Alex memang cantik, tapi juga amat kuat dan cerdas.Segera saja, menyelamatkan nyawa Alex bukan lagi menjadi tantangan terberat bagi Verhœven.
Harga Rp140.000 | Bisa dibeli di Periplus
He’s in love with the boy next door.
Gideon always has a plan. His plans include running for class president, leading the yearbook committee, and having his choice of colleges. They do not include falling head over heels for his best friend and next door neighbor, Kyle. It’s a distraction. It’s pointless, as Kyle is already dating the gorgeous and popular head cheerleader, Ruby. And Gideon doesn’t know what to do…
Kyle finally feels like he has a handle on life. He has a wonderful girlfriend, a best friend willing to debate the finer points of Lord of the Rings, and social acceptance as captain of the basketball team. Then, both Ruby and Gideon start acting really weird, just as his spot on the team is threatened, and Kyle can’t quite figure out what he did wrong…
Seri #Ya Tuhan by Adityayoga dan Zinnia
ponsel, .3gp, doa | Harga Rp28.000 | Bisa dibeli di BukaBuku
Ya Tuhan,Semoga mereka mau selfie bersama kita....Amin
desain grafis, deadline, doa | Harga Rp28.000 | Bisa dibeli di BukaBuku
Ya Tuhan,Bring to Front
kamu, aku, doa | Harga Rp28.000 | Bisa dibeli di BukaBuku
Ya Tuhan,Dalamnya lautan bisa diukur,dalamnya cintaku padanyahanya ada di dalam buku doa ini....Amin
lapar, gosong, doa | Harga Rp28.000 | Bisa dibeli di BukaBuku
Ya Tuhan,Walaupun doa di dalam buku ini100% agak halal, biarkan isinyamengenyangkan rohani kamiyang selalu lapar....
monas, macet, doa | Harga Rp28.000 | Bisa dibeli di BukaBuku
Ya Tuhan,Kalau ada yang menemukan buku ini,tolong dikembalikan kepada pemiliknya.Amin
Sebenarnya itu saja wish list yang terpikirkan, semoga giver-ku tidak kesulitan mencari buku-buku di atas. Ngomong-ngomong prioritas, daftar di atas sudah disusun sesuai urutan, memang yang paling aku inginkan adalah buku There Are Tears In Things: Collected Poems and Prose (2001-2016). Tentu saja, diberikan yang mana saja dari daftar itu aku sudah pasti akan senang karena memang buku yang diinginkan semua. Tetapi jika giver sedang murah hati boleh juga loh membelikan 5 buku seri #Ya Tuhan, karena beli 5 juga belum mencapai batas maksimal kok #targetyangkurangajar #kodekeras.
That's all for now!
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